Bangladesh is the founding place of HYD. Initially, the Headquarters of HYD was in Dhaka, Every Year HYD host on an average three to four conference in this country and serve more than four to five thousands students yearly for the last five years.


HYD started operating in Nepal in the early 2016. HYD is one of the pioneering organisations for Model United Nations in Nepal. Currently, HYD organising several workshops and training programme, as well as one mega Model UN conference in every year.


The chief operation headquarters of HYD is situated in the United Kingdom as a registered charity under the Charity Commission of England and wales. It is the center for holding any kind of activity in Europe and Central Africa. HYD UK is working with different universities to host a Model UN conference in the UK.


HYD began its journey in India in early 2016 with some of the most enthusiastic and diligent MUNers in the circuit. Starting in 2017, HYD began hosting its Model UN conference annually, as well as offering different training and workshop programs regularly.